Not a lot of time tonight, so I just did the "regular" part of the run without the barefoot afterward. No watch so I don't know what the time or distance was, probably about 5.6 miles at somewhere around a 9 minute pace. I was definitely feeling a little tired from the previous weekend's efforts, no problems luckily, just feeling the effects of the miles. It's started to get dark noticeably earlier now, it won't be long before we need to start bringing headlamps to the TNR.
Thursday + Friday
Thursday morning I got up before work to run the 5.6 mile Mountain Loop (road) from home. I was feeling bit sluggish, mostly due to the fact that it was early and running uphill for the first 3 miles. The downhill side of the run felt better but not terribly fast, still in "recovery" mode.

time: 44:49
distance: 5.65 miles
pace: 7:55
gear: Saucony Grid Sinister
Friday PM
time: 39:58
distance: 5.65 miles
pace: 7:04
gear: Brooks Cascadia
Saturday AM
I thought briefly about running the Pathfinders 5k at Pineland on Saturday, but realized that wouldn't do much for my 50 miler training so I decided to get there early, get in about 12 miles and then watch the race. It turned out to be (probably) the coldest morning so far this early fall and there was a frost on all the grassy fields. Very pretty.

time: 1:49:33
distance: 12.92
pace: 8:28
gear: Inov-8 Roclite 295
Sunday AM
Sunday morning Emma and I met up with our Trail Monster neighbors, Jeff and James, for a local trail run (with a little road at the beginning and end). It was a little cold and there was a steady rain but it was so nice to be running with Emma again that I really didn't mind.

time: 1:58:29
distance: 11.37
pace: 10:25
gear: Inov-8 Roclite 295
As I look ahead to this upcoming weekend I'd like to get another marathon distance training run in and it just so happens that there is a marathon happening in Portland this weekend. Unfortunately it's a road race. It's still very tempting to sign up, I just can't decide if it's the best thing for my training or not. I'm a little concerned that a road marathon would take too much out of me and that it would take too long to recover from. It's been 5 years since I last ran a road marathon (this same one) and even though I had a pretty good race I decided after that race that I didn't ever want to do a marathon again. Hmmm.
The other thing I need to consider is that the following weekend is the Mountain Epic race at Sunday River. "Only" 12 miles but it's going to be one hell of an effort. Then the weekend after that is the MTC 50k in Brunswick, another road race! What's happening to me? Is this road running really going to help me at Stone Cat? I do think that getting in long runs at a faster than trail race pace could help me achieve that 50 mile PR I'm looking for. The question is could I do just as well with all trail training and with less abuse on my body? I haven't comitted to either of these road races yet, but there is a good chance I'll do one or both of them.
Glad the training is going well! Nice there are so many races to choose from in the early fall.
How fast would you run the Maine Marathon? If you ran the whole 26 at race pace, I would have to think you'd have a subpar Mountain Epic. Maybe run half of it at race pace or find a fast trail? Pineland or a network of dirt roads. This raises a general question. What is the nearest set of long dirt roads? Maybe something by Jamie?
I figure I could probably run at a 7:45 - 8:00 pace and not kill myself, still have enough left in me for a decent race at the Mountain Epic, and just maybe squeak out a marathon PR (3:28). I may be able to get down to 3:20 if I work hard but that's just going to make the rest of my training more difficult. Or maybe I'll do a nice long trail run this weekend.
Skip the marathon. Too much road, too close to Stone Cat...keep the eyes on the bigger prize. Plus, you know, you'll start racing. "Accidentally" throw in a fast mile, decide it's not too bad, then it's on!
Wouldn't want to see you jeopardize Stone Cat for a road marathon you don't really care about. If you're really itching for a marathon PR, hold off until Hyannis.
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