1- This was probably the best race of my life.
2- I couldn't have done as well as I did without the help of a lot of people.
I should clarify that I may have an unusual definition of what makes a good race. The 50k race that I ran three weeks ago was not a good race, despite finishing first. Stone Cat was a good race because I set myself a goal that I honestly didn't think I had any chance of coming close to (breaking 8 hours) and even though I didn't meet my goal I came closer than I thought I really could. I usually go into a race with three goals, one very optimistic, one very realistic and one to cover my ass. Typically I fall in the 'realistic' range, but many of my races so far this year have fallen in the 'cover my ass' category. This is the first time I can remember where I actually came close to my optimistic goal.
The other part of what made this such a great race for me is related to #2 above and will take a long time to explain, and will eventually appear in my full race report, but for now I want to thank all the people who helped me come close to reaching my optimistic goal. My fellow Trail Monsters have provided amazing inspiration and have been the best training companions, helping push me to places I never thought I could go. I was also grateful to see so many TM's come down to the race to support me and Mindy as we ran. It makes such an incredible difference to have friends lending a hand and providing encouragement during a long race.
Have you got the Cat Scratch Fever? You earned it!
You rock!!! Looking forward to the full report.
You look great at 45 miles.....it is easy to see you were ready for it ...congrats!
Seems inadequate to say great job. You do rock!!!
I love that you are smiling so much at mile 45! Definitely speaks to how you felt about your race. Nice work! And yes, you have an awesome wife :-)
Dude, 8:02?! That's sick! Congratulations, Ian!!
I'm trying to come up with something snarky...
Can't do it. Awesome job.
Can't wait for the full report. You kicked ass, Ian, plain and simple. And yeah, we heart Emma!
Thanks Danielle and Mindy, you 2 are awesome too. I really enjoyed running you in, you made it look easy. Next year sub 8 for you i'm sure of it and i'll be there to run you in for that one too.
Ian - is Emma saying that next year she'll have finished the 50 miler and then will run the last 5 with you? I think that's what she just said!
Congrats on the race and your finishing time...You were solid and steady out there...Your support was impressive.
Hi Ian
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
Have you applied for a place for the whw race next year? The deadline is 22 Nov so you need to get a move on!
I assume you've seen the web site?
If I can help in any way please get in touch.
I started my blog 3 years ago when I first got into ultra running and my main aim was to share what I was learning as I went along so if it helps you that's great!
Looking at your times I won't be able to help on the training side but other aspects I'd be happy to help where I can.
Hope to see in you 2010!
email: jkynaston00@hotmail.com
Congrats again! It was great meeting both of you. Maybe need to start a western chapter of Trail Monsters? Cheers!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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