Trail Monster Running

Visit the official TRAIL MONSTER RUNNING website for information on upcoming group runs, local trails, trail races and more, including the Pineland Farms Trail Running Festival and the Bradbury Mountain trail Running Series.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pemi Loop

Not much of a report here, more like a collections of stats, but I figured I better put something down for the sake of record keeping, that way I'll have something to compare this to when I go back and do this run/hike again. (This is from a little while ago, but I'm only just getting around to writing about it.)

David Albeck
does a good job describing what the Pemi Loop is so I won't bother going into detail. Jamie Anderson has run/hiked this a few times and it's his fault that I went out there to do this 33 mile one day adventure in the White Mountains with Chuck and Jim. Jamie is the one that put the idea in our heads that the Pemi Loop makes good training for a 100 miler, and even though I'm in the early stages of training (my 100 mile race isn't until the end of September) the timing worked well for Chuck who is doing the VT100, and Jim just likes to punish himself in the mountains whenever he can.

Eastern half of the loop

Western half of the loop

Elevation profile highlighting the peaks above 4000', even the unofficial ones.

Route: Counter-clockwise starting from Lincoln Woods. Since a 31 mile hike with eight 4000 footers wasn't enough we added the side trips to West Bond and Galehead which brought the distance up to 33 miles.
Total Elevation: 9760' gain (19,520' gain + loss)
Peaks (in order): Bondcliff (4265'), Bond (4698'), West Bond (4504'), Guyot* (4580'), South Twin (4902'), Galehead (4024'), Garfield (4500'), Lafayette (5260'), Lincoln (5089'), Little Haystack* (4840'), Liberty(4459') and Flume (4328')

* Mt Guyot and Little Haystack are not considered official 4000 footers by the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Peak by peak summary:

Section: Lincoln Woods to Bondcliff
Miles: 9.1
Time: 2:13:00

Section: Bondcliff to Bond
Miles: 1.2 (10.3 total)
Time: 34:00 (2:37:00 total)

Section: Bond to West Bond
Miles: 1.0 (11.3)
Time: 21:00 (2:58:00)

Section: West Bond to Guyot
Miles: 1.3 (12.6)
Time: 31:00 (3:29:00)

Section: Guyot to South Twin
Miles: 2.0 (14.6)
Time: 34:00 (4:03:00)

Section: South Twin to Galehead
Miles: 1.3 (15.9)
Time: 29:00 (4:32:00)

Section: Galehead to Garfield
Miles: 3.4 (19.3)
Time: 1:49:00 (6:21:00)

Section: Garfield to Lafayette
Miles: 3.5 (22.8)
Time: 1:35:00 (7:56:00)

Section: Lafayette to Lincoln
Miles: .9 (23.7)
Time: 21:00 (8:17:00)

Section: Lincoln to Little Haystack
Miles: 0.7 (24.4)
Time: 13:00 (8:30:00)

Section: Little Haystack to Liberty
Miles: 2.2 (26.6)
Time: 46:00 (9:16:00)

Section: Liberty to Flume
Miles: 1.2 (27.8)
Time: 33:00 (9:49:00)

Section: Flume to the Finish
Miles: 5.5 (33.3)
Time: 1:23:00 (11:12:00)

time: 11:12:00 (including all stops)
distance: 33.3 miles
pace: 20:10

weather: overcast, foggy, cloudy, windy (40 mph+), rainy

conditions: rocky, wet

gear: Inov-8 Roclite 315, Balga socks, shorts, t-shirt, waterproof jacket, Camelbak Mule


RawBodyGoddess said...

and this was after the run Saturday? You really ARE a Trail Monster!!! It was nice to meet you and all the other 'monsters' :)

R. Ian Parlin said...

No, the Pemi Loop was a little while ago, I just didn't get around to posting it right away.

mindy said...

Wow. Nice work Ian and team, you guys are amazing.

middle.professor said...


Anonymous said...

The Pemi Loop should be an official yearly mountain race in teams of two. I think by doing that mountain runners/hikers can all train and get together for a tough race, and the best can win bragging rights for the year.