Trail Monster Running

Visit the official TRAIL MONSTER RUNNING website for information on upcoming group runs, local trails, trail races and more, including the Pineland Farms Trail Running Festival and the Bradbury Mountain trail Running Series.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back to Twin Brook

Tonight I was lucky to leave work on time and make it to Twin Brook a few minutes before 6. Jeff was there expecting to ski but had broken a binding and had to head home without enjoying the snow. By 10 past 6 no one else had showed up so I headed off in to the darkness alone, splashing through the mud and puddles on the ½ mile stretch of dirt road before getting onto the trails. I was excited to be wearing shorts again. Despite the warm temperatures there was still plenty of snow on the ground which had become very soft and made running pretty slow. I decided to run in my screw shoes, thinking that there may be ice out there, but in hindsight snowshoes might have been a better choice.

Since I was leaving fairly deep footprints on the groomed trails I decided to head over to Val Halla golf course and run on the snowmobile trails. The run there was pretty good but when I got out on the greens I started sinking in well above my shoes and decided that it wasn’t worth the effort so I turned back after less than a quarter mile. I was determined to get in at least 45 minutes of running tonight, which was going to be hard to judge since I forgot my watch, so I ran 2 laps of the north side trails and then headed back towards the parking lot. As I neared the bridge that leads back to the dirt road I met Shauna and Erik who arrived late and had just set out on their run. From there we ran together and completed the rest of the “usual” route. It was nice to have company and even though I had been about to finish my run I enjoyed tacking on a few extra miles with Erik and Shauna.

Judging by the clock in my car I ran for an hour and a half and probably got in about 9 miles.


Blaine Moore said...

Nice run!

I decided to take a night off from working (sorta) to do a max heart rate workout in Gorham, but I wound up running 200s instead since I was able to do that with company.

I discovered that the GPS worked inside the indoor track, though. Sorta.

Hopefully I can get back to Twin Brook runs in the next couple of weeks once my business has launched and things calm down a little.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were running in mashed potatoes with too much cream mixed in.

I opted to enjoy the heat of the day and run a 10-mile loop in Vibram FiveFingers. I need to make sure my feet do not get too wimpy this winter from "normal" running shoes.

Hopefully see you this weekend assuming it cools down and the trails freeze up. Otherwise I will need to stick to the roads. My rib is finally healing and I do not want to risk another fall due to running in snowshoes.
